Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are seen here scorching the cover of Vogue for the magazine's 8th anniversary issue. Bajirao and his Mastani look glamorous and hot, don't they?
Deepika and Ranveer are currently shooting for the last scenes of their much awaited Sanjay Leela Bhansali movie. Deepika had mentioned that she is shooting some crucial scenes leading to the climax of the movie. In this interview with Vogue, Deepika and Ranveer are apparently caught in a playful mood, in Deepika's vanity van, after calling it a day at work.
Excerpts from the Vogue interview:
When asked what is the coolest thing in her wardrobe, Deepika mentioned that it's a mauve-and-gold Kanjeevaram her mother gave her. On another note, Deepika was poking fun at Ranveer for his 'hairdo' which consisted of a bald head with wisp of hair.
Ranveer Singh, who was seated next to Deepika in the two seater couch was apparently complaining about being a 'prop' to Deepika many a time during shoots. He said, ""Nobody looks at anything else when Deepika is in the frame," adding playfully, "I wouldn't."
Well, are you looking forward to this Bajirao and his Mastani this Christmas?